Research at the Library

Here you can see us in the middle of the analysis. We are
at the library!

We are doing some literary

Some kids did some research on Therapy dogs!

For Teachers,

It is as a woman, a teacher, a perfection veteran, though late fugitive of attempts to strive for flawlessness, that while reading The Not Perfect Hat Club and designing a few analysis & discussion questions I have contributed to help students walk away from setting excessively high performance standards, and this, my aim,  roots on one belief: that unless children are offered a different pair of glasses to see the world by themselves, they will not see beyond and they will not learn to do it either.   
I must say that Jena Ball´s book has been of an inspiration both, to students and me.  

I cannot avoid recommending Spanish reading coleagues another book that also encourages the idea of setting standards, living and enjoying life according to one´s own expectations: Nadie Es Perfecto, by Alice                                  D. Domar. An eye opener for women who wish to open others´ eyes. An                                 essential tool

Hi, me again. This time birdiesaysalot, lot more. 

Here´s the guide of analysis I made in order to go over The Not Perfect Hat Club before we actually started exchanging readings and feedback with Jena Ball and other students abroad. Our aim was to do some introductory lexical and literary warm-up  since we are an ESL community in Argentina and we wanted to make sure our students wouldn´t miss a detail while reading or while being read this juicy masterpiece written by Jena. Some traces of perfectionism perhaps?  Most probably! But we   were lucky to find out that children were commited to work on them all just like a dog with a bone. And they were worth!

Notice the activities are chunked into sets of chapters. You might find them useful!



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